Boys, Girls & Perverts - ChatRoulette

Infographic: ChatRoulette, "Nexting" by the Numbers

BY Cliff KuangWed Feb 24, 2010

Ladies really do have all the luck, and the perverts are a sizable minority, according to Casey Neistat's video study of ChatRoulette.


A month ago, we brought you an early look at ChatRoulette, and since then it's blown up, with coverage in New York, The New York Times, and even USA Today, of all places. But this is the first time we've seen anyone apply some science to the phenomenon.

The brave individual who took it upon himself to explain ChatRoulette in a single entertaining video is Casey Neistat. There are loads of stats, including the chart above. Notably, Neistat (a male) had only about a 5% stay rate--the rest of people immediately nexted him. But his pretty lady friend had exactly the opposite result:

Which is probably about the same result as you'd find on any old dating site. Except ChatRoulette is about a million times faster/awesomer/weirder.