
A word seldom used when filling up your car…(tank; full)

I lost my hand phone the other day. A careless mistake on my part. But it seems that I am getting more and more careless of my belongings these days. As I contemplated on my lost hand phone (contemplate - meaning I bang my head and cursed myself for being so careless), I am reminded of the saying “Never cry over split milk” and thought that it is quite true indeed. Unfortunately, we are not talking about milk is it?


Though along the way of me mopping over my precious ngage hand phone, an interesting thought came to mind. What if what I lost was more than just an ngage phone? What if I have bought one of those G3 phones and lost that instead?  I would have been devastated and heart broken. What if that phone was still under instalment? Then that would mean that I would be paying something that someone else will be enjoying (which refers to the shmuck who found it). And what if I have lost something more than just a phone? Something more valuable like a life? Scary thought when the view is changed…


I guess it only takes a change of view (and an empty pocket) to know that all things are not as bad as they appear to be. What seemed valuable at one time can be utterly insignificant when compared to more important things. Things like life, love, family, friendship and work (Haa, Ha, Ha, Ha Yeah right…work). We sometimes forget to notice that there are more precious things that are far more valuable in which it could not be easily replace.

That reminds me…

We should always be thankful of what we can’t have. For if we did get what we want (desire), then we will have to bare the probability that we will one day lose that what we wanted so badly. How would we handle that type of lost I wonder? Maybe it is better to not have what we want and be ever so thankful that we will never have to face the loss of it. That way we will be able to have hope of what could be rather to have regret of what had been…

Something like that lah…